By Dean Egan.
A Sinn Fein TD says she wasn't made aware of plans to monitor TDs and Senators with CCTV as they "clock in" at Leinster House.
The Business Post reported yesterday that the move is being introduced to "tighten up" the travel expenses system.
Under the current system, it is possible for TDs to get someone else to clock in on their behalf.
Speaking to Beat news, Sinn Fein's Kathleen Funchion, says she wasn't aware of the proposal, but says she has no problem with it:
"Firstly, I hadn't actually heard this is going to be an option and that seems to be becoming more and more the case in politics that that we're hearing things through the media rather than being told directly."
"I certainly wouldn't like like CCTV cameras in the offices or anything, I would just feel a bit creeped out by that to be really, really honest."
"If it was like one of these face recognition systems, I wouldn't have a difficulty with that."