
Is This The Evidence Of Alien Life The World Has Been Waiting For?

Is This The Evidence Of Alien Life The World Has Been Waiting For?

Scientists in Mexico are claiming to have evidence not only that alien life exists, but that they visited this planet thousands of years ago.


Jaime Maussan, a self-described ufologist, appeared before the congress in Mexico yesterday when he unveiled what he claims are the corpses of two aliens, estimated to be 1,000 years old.


The bodies, he claims, were uncovered in Peru in 2017 and  "are complete bodies that have not been manipulated" he said under oath.


There was audible shock in the chamber when the caskets were opened and forensic expert and military doctor José de Jesús Zalce Benítez detailed what they found when they scanned the bodies.

The corpses look like the stereotypical Hollywood version of aliens with large heads and eyes, small bodies and three fingers on each hand.

No, that's not freaky at all!!

