So it's week 2 on the Centra 5 a day challenge and I must say my skin is looking better, I have a lot more energy and I really do feel better inside and out.
I've broken it down like this ...
Week 1 - I was trying to remind yourself a lot because it's not something I was used to. I was used to skipping breakfast and sometimes even lunch (terrible I know) so by dinner time I would have next to no energy and I would be very hungry. When I started to incorporate fruits for breakfast it genuinely wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Grabbing a banana and an orange was quick and easy.
As a snack I made it my business to have a grapes in my bag as a pick me up. They're sweet and easy as pie to bring with me everywhere. I found out very quickly that the key is to plan ahead.
Week2 - This week the habit of having some fruits and veg have been formed so it was all about planning ahead and making sure I put my fruits in my bag before I left the house every morning.

I'm in a musical at the moment so rehearsals are none stop and I found grabbing an easy Centra quick meal was the handiest thing I could do to keep on track. You can find these delicious range of soups in any of your local Centra store. All soups from the Live Well range have a portion of your veg for the day so you're enjoying your veggies without even thinking about it. My personal favourite is the vegetable soup.

This weekend is all about getting in my sweet treats and I've been given some great ideas including a pineapple tart and my favourite on the list is a delicious fruit sorbet.

I hope it's going as well for you as it is for me and don't forget you can get even more recipes at