
Issues facing young people to be debated

Issues facing young people to be debated

A political debate is taking place in the Theatre Royal this afternoon aimed at young people.

3 candidates from the South East will be addressing issues that face young people and how they have a role to play in politics with the General Election a number of weeks away.

The candidates are Renua's Mailo Power and Una Dunphy of People Before Profit from Waterford, and Leonard Kelly of the Social Democrats who's on the ticket in Wexford.

Organiser Shane Dunphy told Beat News the focus is to engage young people, and not point-scoring for the candidates involved:


'What I've actually said to the candidates is that I do not want them point-scoring against one another'

'I'm going to put each question to them individually and I want them to address the issue as it comes up'

He explains why he was motivated to have a politcal debate tackling young peoples issues:

'An awful lot of young people I've spoken to have told me they either don't vote, aren't registered to vote or feel that politics isn't relevant to them.'


'What I wanted to do is get people together who are running for office in the General Election and get them to actually sit down and address that issue with the students'

'I'm also going to give the students the opportunity to pose their questions to the candidates to respond honestly and openly'
