Ahh, busking. Thankfully, it has undergone something of a renaissance in recent years, moving away from the image we all have of that young lad with the oversized guitar belting out Wonderwall...
So, with our very own Beat Busk Off just around the corner, we thought we'd have a look at some famous faces that tried their hand at the dark art of street performance.
What did they earn? And more importantly, did they come close to the €1,000 you could win by taking part in the Beat Busk Off?
1. Ed Sheeran | €n/a
Only Ed knows what he raised that day in London, but given that's he's had three number one albums and headlined Glastonbury since, we don't think he'll miss the spare change.
2. Nile Rodgers | €13.90
The disco legend might be one of the most revered musicians in pop, but Nile must have been left a little disappointed with the paltry €14 raised.
3. Bono & Glen Hansard | €n/a
Now something of an annual tradition, the undisclosed amount raised by Bono & Co on Christmas Eve was donated to the Simon Community.
4. Black Francis (The Pixies) | €24
The influential alt-rocker raised a credible €24 in Glasgow almost a decade ago.
5. Maroon 5 | €n/a
Hooking up with Jimmy Fallon on the New York Subway was bound to whip up a crowd. We think they missed a trick by not collecting any change... lads, what were ye thinking?!!
6. Rod Stewart | €n/a
Like Maroon 5, Rod didn't collect any money during his street performance. But having just donated €10,000 to a domestic abuse charity just weeks beforehand, we'll let him off the hook.
7. Tom Jones | €520
Now, that's how it's done! The Welsh crooner raised a whopping €520 for Cancer Research. Legend.
You don't need to be a famous musician to busk with us! Enter the Beat Busk Off below and you could be in with a shot of winning €1,000 in CASH!