
Why you should never store milk in your fridge door

Why you should never store milk in your fridge door

A TikTok money-saving expert has warned users not to store their milk in the fridge door.

According to TikTok account @CostoflivingCrisisTips , you should not store your fresh milk in the fridge door because when you open the door, it pulls away from the cool air and this will affect the freshness of the milk.

Instead, you should store milk cartons at the back of the fridge, which will be less affected by the brief temperature change. This will preserve the milk for longer.


The fridge door is often used to store milk and cartons of juice/beverages as it is the most convenient for tall items. However, the fridge door is the most exposed to warmer temperatures, and the more often your fridge is opened, the more warm air gets in. This allows bacteria to grow and your milk will go off quicker as a result.

Other TikTok users were not keen on the advice: "The door is open for like 2 seconds," wrote one user. "It's shut straight away." To which the TikTokker replied: "Yes and how many times do you open it a day? It adds up."

The National Dairy Council of Ireland recommends that regular, pasteurised milk be kept refrigerated at all times at a temperature of 5 degrees or below. Milk containers should also be kept "firmly closed to prevent absorption of other food flavours."
