
8 things you'll definitely miss about school

8 things you'll definitely miss about school

It's here, lads.

After 5 or 6 years of study, stress and worry, it's FINALLY coming to an end.

Not only are you dealing with the huge strain of starting the Leaving Cert tomorrow, you're also possibly probably feeling a little emotional about the prospect of leaving school...



Here are 8 things you'll miss

1.Your friends

We know you think this sounds ridiculous, but believe it or not, you will never again in your life be 'forced' to see your friends every day. This is hard. You'll miss them



2. Eating chicken fillet rolls. Every. Damn. Day.

3. Lunchtime

Believe me- no matter where you end up working, your lunch breaks won't ever be as dramatic and fun filled as they are in school.

SO. MUCH. CAN. HAPPEN- you know what we're talking about.

4. Using 'I have to study' as your excuse to get out of everything

Mam: "Will you please do the dishes?"


5. Believe us- you WILL miss your uniform.

Coming up with something to wear to work every day is SO DAMN HARD PEOPLE.

6. The perks

Aw bless. You're doing exams. The sun in shining. You feel like life couldn't be any more unfair right now and your parents are spoiling you rotten

  7. Student discounts

Some remain if you continue to 3rd level, but if you don't it's time to say goodbye.

We know, it's hard, it's okay.

 8. Your teachers

Admit it- when you started first you still thought teachers were aliens. But, you've learned that they're actually human. 

They've been very good to you over the years and you're going to miss them like crazy.

Admit it.


Best of luck to everyone starting exams tomorrow from all of us here at Beat! Our Emma is sitting the Junior Cert again- read all things #SchoolsNOToutforEmma related here and join her for some last minute cramming after the Top 7 at 7!

