
Proof that us Irish are world leaders in putting things off until the last minute

Proof that us Irish are world leaders in putting things off until the last minute

Us Irish are masters in procrastination.

Think about it, when was the last time you hit the gym, scrubbed the dishes or even did the weekly shop exactly as planned?

Our friends at the über organised Audi Ireland understand that we're pretty good at avoiding the important things in life - like getting your car serviced.

That's why when you book your Audi's Expert Service from October 15th until Nov 30th, they'll include free headlamp focusing and bulb replacement and also add 12 months roadside assistance.


So, apart from servicing the car, what else do we procrastinate over?

1: Heading to the Gym - You're just back from work, it's 7 bells and the gym is a 30-minute walk away. You know it. The gym just ain't happening today.

2: Hitting The Hay - It's the same scéal every night. You're on the way home from work or college and you promise yourself that you'll be showered an all tucked up by 10, but then you tap Netflix on the remote. Bye bye, good night's sleep.


3:  Getting Up - A mystery that has puzzled mankind for centuries. We put off going to bed until the cows come home, and then we can't pull ourselves out of it when the alarm bell rings. Will we ever learn?

4. Assignments - Between Googling random stuff just to look busy and meeting up with the gals for coffee breaks, you've got to 10pm without typing a word. But there's a session happening down in Grace's and her Insta is on FIRE.


5. Answering Whatsapp Messages: You've read it, so you know he's seen the two blue ticks. Sure I'll reply in the morning.

6.Confrontation: Us Irish hate nothing more than confrontation. We're just not cut out for it. So, when it comes to facing the music we'll do everything in our power to avoid it.

7. The Big Shop: You could write a list, drive out to the supermarket and get everything you want for the week in one place. Or, you could just pop down to the local corner shop for a few bits and bobs every day. Makes sense to us...

8. The Dishes: The holy grail of procrastination. I remember living in a student house where a housemate decided to hide the dirty dishes behind the front door, just to avoid cleaning them. Now that's putting something on the long finger...

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