
Our definitive Top 10 crisps available in Ireland

Our definitive Top 10 crisps available in Ireland

Yesterday, we brought you the news about Tayto being eliminated from the World Cup of Crisps poll on Twitter.

Today, we decided to rank the Top 10 best crisps available to us here in Ireland.

I know this might spark controversy, but let's get down to it nonetheless:

10. Chipsticks


This one is low down for the reason that sometimes, when you buy a bag, they can be flavourless and disappointing.

However, remember growing up and you could get a cheap bag for next to nothing? That's why they're in our Top 10.

9. Snax

This one has a similar position to Chipsticks, but they just get the edge, all based on flavour


Again, was one you could spend a bit of your pocket money on when you were only a young'un.

8. Skips

Skips literally melted in your mouth.

All talk of false advertising about a product, but with Skips it ran through.


Rest a skip on your tongue, and experience the magic

7. Pringles

'Once you pop, the fuuuun don't stop'

That was the slogan for Pringles for a long time, and my God doesn't it hold true.

Again, they suffer from inconsistencies in flavour, however when you get a good tube, you'd eat one, then another one, and another one. When you're appreciate their goodness, you end up like:


6. Hula Hoops

Hula Hoops are so high up for a number of reasons, none more so than their BBQ Beef flavoured pack!

Unique in it's own right, it's very tasty, and their other flavours are great too.

Plus, who else would wrap the hoops around their fingers? Just me? Ok...

5. McCoys

One for those who love that bit of crunch with their crisps.

McCoys are the ones the hard workers love, and those with a bit more money in their pocket.

They're usually very nicely flavoured, but they're tough. They are a favourite of mine, personally.

4. Meanies

Let's be honest, not many of us like 'pickled onion'.

However, loads of us love the flavour of pickled onion, which we really got our first experience of when we opened a bag of Meanies and took in their delicious goodness.

Then, as a child, you could be especially bold and go for the bag of Mega Meanies!

3. Hunky Dory's

This was close between the top 3, on personal preference at least.

Hunky Dory's offer you that crinkle style that is very popular with crisp lovers, but without the added crunch that you'd find in McCoy's.

Flavouring is great, variety is fantastic, and that Buffalo flavour is genius, unique..and delicious.

2. King

Any crisps ranking without King in the Top 3 is not much of a crisps ranking!

They're available in a couple of flavours, but it's traditionally the cheese and onion flavour that gives it it's fame.

Not one if you enjoy kissing your other half though, because you're still tasting them hours later!

1. Tayto

Was there ever any doubt?

Although Tayto didn't fare well in the Crisps World Cup run by our counterparts in the UK, they're our crisp and we're damn proud of them.

Variety, occasional limited editions flavours, and not only that, but the cheese and onion flavoured pack released for 1916 shows Tayto is as proud of Ireland and Ireland is for Tayto.

Plus, they gave us a theme park!
