Three cheetah cubs have been born in Fota Wildlife Park in Co Cork.
Mother Nimpy and father Sam gave birth to the two cubs, one male and two females, on June 10th.
However, the clubs only recently started to venture out in an area known as Cheetah Hill in Fota.
Fota Wildlife Park is calling on the public to help name the cubs via an online survey on their blog.
The winner will receive a year-long pass to the park.

The cubs were born to mother, Nimpy and father, Sam.
The birth of these cubs brings the total for this endangered species born in Fota to 204.
A 2017 expert report on the decline of the cheetah suggested that in the natural range of the species, there were fewer than 2,800 left in the wild in the whole of East and North Africa.
The Asiatic cheetah is critically endangered in Iran with less than 40 animals left in the wild.
Lead ranger Julien Fonteneau said: “Without a doubt, the Northern cheetah is the most successful breeding programme here at Fota and the species has become synonymous with the Park. We put that breeding success down to the naturalistic habitats and environments that we create for the animals.”