Is there anything as nerve-wracking as packing your weekly shop as the till worker races to get every item scanned as quickly as possible?
We've often wondered why discount retailers scan items so fast, but now it seems we have an answer!
An ex-Aldi employee has taken to Reddit to explain the motive behind their speedy scanning and it seems that each employee is expected to hit a 'scanning target'.
“You actually have to hit a percentage of 83% or higher on item per minute scanned", the ex-employee said on Reddit.
“They would get upset if you didn’t get 95% or above. Some cashiers I worked with would hit 110%. Less than 5% on voids and you had to hit the suspend key at least once to pause the transaction.
“83% is what Aldi wants", they claimed.
"My store wanted 95%. If you didn’t meet the 83%, you went to a training class... That’s why they go so fast. They’re literally being timed.
"After every shift was a paper that had all the totals. And almost every time, ‘you hit 91%, but you should have hit 95%’."
So, there you have it. Staff aren't intentionally putting you under pressure - they just have to meet their targets!