Ever find yourself sitting on the loo with your phone in hand contemplating the meaning of life?
While we're all too aware that using your phone while on the toilet is incredibly unhygienic, a doctor on TikTok has given us yet another reason not to spend time on the loo browsing Insta.
Doctor Karan Rajar (@dr.karanr), a British doctor, claims that regularly spending periods of ten minutes or more on the toilet increases your likelihood of developing haemorrhoids - a painful medical condition that sometimes requires surgery.
The reason behind this is simple - gravity is not your bum's friend when chilling on the loo.
Dr Rajar explains that everyone has anal cushions which "stop us from pooing ourselves." It's these cushions that contain delicate blood vessels which don't respond well to sitting on the toilet for prolonged periods.
He continued: "The longer you spend on the toilet, the longer blood can pool in these rectal veins causing haemorrhoids."
Other advice Dr Rajar had for people was not to strain when on the toilet and to ensure we get between 20 and 30 grammes of fibre per day.
So there you have it – if you're reading this on the loo, put the phone away ya filthy animal!
Photo by Miriam Alonso from Pexels