With the South East basking in the sun, we must spare a thought for Junior and Leaving Cert students who are flat out studying today.
They're being forced to watch the rest of the country enjoying the sunshine, while they sit indoors looking out at it.
It's killing me that I can't just enjoy these amazing days, I'm either studying for worrying about exams or study😓 #leavingcert
— Åšh (@Ais_S2411) May 31, 2016
You would know the #leavingcert is close with this weather!
— Darren Hogan (@DarrenHogan42) May 31, 2016
This year's State Exams get underway next Wednesday morning, and the pressure is well and truly on.
Here are 18 thoughts Exam Students are having at the moment
1.Why, oh why didn't I listen in class?
My life would be so much easier right now.
2. The cramming is in full swing
Same #leavingcert pic.twitter.com/2i18NEJUYE
— Princess Gemmelon❄️ (@ThatIrishGem) June 1, 2016
You'd easily be caught between wanting the 23rd to come, yet the 8th to never arrive 😵 #leavingcert #lc
— Conor Beirne (@conorbeirne97) June 1, 2016
4. Shoutout to all the boyfriends and girlfriends who are putting up with the enhanced stress
Shoutout to everyone dating a lc student putting up with complaints and non provoked agruements #leavingcert #purestress #sorrybae
— Kelsey (@MusicAtMidnite) June 1, 2016
5. You're starting to really miss doing your favourite things
Oh how I'd much prefer to be up in the Gaa kicking a ball right now 😩😴📚🖊 #leavingcert #studyonasunnyday pic.twitter.com/e6OIhWb7JM
— Matthew Ryan (@MattyR_98) June 1, 2016
6. But, you're making the best of a sad situation
#studyinginthesun #leavingcert #oneweektogo
A photo posted by Orlaith Doyle (@orlaith9551) on
7. This is putting the fear of God in you
Officially scared #lc #leavingcert #classof2016 #exams #kill #me #23days
A photo posted by Maria Incrocci (@mariaincrocci) on
I literally have 7 days to get the rest of my life in order. #leavingcert #tears
— HAIL SHIIVO (@Siobhan_Danaher) June 1, 2016
A photo posted by Gavin Moloney (@g.a.v.i.n.m.o.l.o.n.e.y) on
9. You are making the most extravagant plans for the summer to celebrate your new-found freedom
10. But really, you just can't wait to do NOTHING and sleep
11. Forgive us for saying this, but there ARE some perks
A photo posted by Brogan Walsh (@broganwalsh123) on
12. There's so much going on, it's all getting a little blurry.
I don't even know what I don't know #LeavingCert
— Jenniferrrr (@JenniferDuffy97) May 31, 2016
A photo posted by Beat 102 103 (@beat102103) on
13. Predictions have become your best friend
Does anyone have any business HL predictions ?? 😂 #leavingcert #businesspaper #predictions #help
— Katie Kindregan (@katiekinderg) May 30, 2016
14. Some are just getting apathetic at this point
A photo posted by Laura Flynn (@laura_ellen97) on
15. Cute quotes online are actually really helping and making you a little emotional
For everyone doing their Summer exams, for everyone doing their JC, for everyone doing their LC🌸☀️
A photo posted by Erika🐯 (@erikakakapow) on
16. You can relate to this way too much.
17. #KantKopeMonday is a thing of the past. It's now #KantKopeMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday
(beattakeover on snapchat)

18. And, it does help that Emma from The Takeover is going to be going back to her old school and re-sitting the Junior Cert too.

#We'reAllInThisTogether <3
You can read more about #SchoolsNOToutforEmma here and tune into the Takeover from 7pm tonight to join her in some last-minute cramming!