Try as others might, there's nobody quite like mammy.
Unique as they are, every mother shares a common bond, a single lexicon of phrases that marks them out from us mere mortals.
From getting a cold in your kidneys, to having notions, it's all a bit cliche - but will we ever tire of these eight classic mammyisms?
To answer this very question, Beat Breakfast teamed up with Carraig Donn all this week to find the South East's greatest motherly quotes.
1. Do you think I'm made of money?
2. I'll give you something to cry about!
3. If you fall off that wall and break your legs, don't come running to me!
4. What part of no don't you understand?
5. Were you born in a barn?
6. There's great drying in it today!
7. There was a lovely spread at that funeral all the same.
8. Jesus, I don't want a present at all; don't be wasting your money on me!
This content is brought to you by Carraig Donn