
Men's month for sexual abstinence takes the internet by storm

Men's month for sexual abstinence takes the internet by storm
Woman rejected by husband. Pic: Zikoko.com

November is a special month for men; the Movember movement encourages men to keep a beard for to raise awareness of men's health issues.

Issues like such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and men's suicide are raised during the month.

However, there is another movement which might be just as intriguing; No Nut November.

The movement which started on the internet and social media since 2011 encourages men to abstain from sex.


Basically, men are encouraged not to 'nut' or have an ejaculation.

The movement encourages men to avoid ejaculation either through sex or masturbation.

It is believed that this will help with improving men's mental health and clarity, gastrointestinal problems, increase self-confidence, boost sperm count, increase testosterone levels, and perform better athletically.

However, this might now be correct. A board-certified urologist with expertise in sexual dysfunction has suggested that abstaining from sex for a month does not necessarily have health benefits.


Dr Fenwa Milhouse told DailyMail.com: ‘My first honest impression of No Nut November was, clearly a urologist didn't think of it think of that.

‘As we know it now, there isn't really any solid scientific evidence that it's beneficial to purposefully withhold ejaculation, particularly for that length of time.

'And in fact, there is more evidence for ejaculating and its potential benefits than the anecdotal, which is basically what all we have, reports of improved well-being.’

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