
#Trending: You have 20 minutes to hide a paperclip, where are you hiding it?

#Trending: You have 20 minutes to hide a paperclip, where are you hiding it?

This TikTok trend has everyone online talking, with the hashtag paperclip has receiving over 180.1 million views on the app.

The viral trend has users asking the all important question: The FBI are on the way to your house, and you have 20 minutes to hide a paperclip. Where are you hiding it?



This morning on Beat Breakfast, we posed the question to the people of the South-East, and you guys were passionate about this topic & most certainly creative.

Paper clip, FBI, TikTok, Trending

But you must remember, you're on the clock so you need to think on your feet.

Paper clip, TikTok Trending

Now if the paper clip is so important that the FBI are hunting it down, I'm not sure if this theory is the best option:

If in the near future the FBI ever come to our homes looking for a paperclip, we have got the perfect spots to hide them. Only now, we have exposed ourselves to them and probably made their life easier.
