Our new Irish language feature on Beat Breakfast is well and truly underway! This week is all about An tEarrach (Springtime). Listen in to Beat Breakfast every Tuesday morning to improve your Gaeilge and get your hands on a €50 One4All for giving it a go. As the saying goes, tús maith, leath na hoibre.
Clár sa Charr is a short conversation between a parent and child which takes place in the car on the way to school.
For a shot at winning a €50 One4All voucher, all you have to do is send us a voice message with you using our 'focal' (word) of the day. Niall and Sho will tell you what word you've to listen out for before the conversation begins.
Both Niall and Sho are hoping to brush up on their Gaeilge, so they can take a trip to Waterford's Gaeltacht in Rinn and chat with the locals!
Our resident Gaeilgeoir, Jessica Ní Mháirtín, who also presents Music Dé Domhnaigh here on Beat and is managing the project within the station, hopes that this Irish language initiative will encourage people to speak cúpla focal to each other - even if it's just for a few minutes in the morning.
Listen back to episode 3 anseo!
Clár 3: An tEarrach
Siúlóid dúlra - a nature walk
Dair – Oak
Feá - Beech
Cnó Capaill – Horse Chestnut
Lus an chromchinn – Daffodils
Coinnle corra – Bluebells
Duilleoga agus bláthanna - Leaves and Flowers
Agpleidhcíocht - Messing
Tóraíocht taisce – Scavenger Hunt
Sruthán - River
Spideoga agus préacháin - Robins and Crows
Rang Tíreolaíocht - Geography class
Ag déanamh taighde – Doing research
Curdaigh ar líne - look up online / search online