
Taylor Swift's Old MySpace Page Uncovered

Taylor Swift's Old MySpace Page Uncovered

Taylor Swift's mortifying MySpace page has been uncovered.

Could you have guessed that this fresh faced teen would become one of the most powerful women in music, probably not!

taylor swift

She has sold thousands of albums around the globe but that doesn't mean she hasn't gone through the awkward pre-teen stage like the rest of us.

Someone wanted to prove that point and so they went on a mission to uncover Taytays old MySpace page. Let the cringing commence! She was full of wisdom (or so she thought)


And she really didn't seem to care what people thought about her honesty!


But what we absolutely love is how this hair really sums it all up! I'm so different, NOT!

Taylor-Swift old pic

Just look at her now FIERCE HUNTY!

Taylor new