Over 40,000 calls are expected to be made to Samaritans today, while more than 45 volunteers are available today to answer calls and texts for Childline, the counselling service for kids.
Christmas is a very busy period for the services as it can be the hardest time of the year for some. Issues like drug and alcohol abuse and homelessness often arise.
Loneliness and isolation are some of the problems that volunteers help to deal with.
If you are having a difficult time over the Christmas period, please reach out to someone close to you or call one of the numbers below:
Pieta House: 1800 247 247
Samaritans Ireland: 116 123
Dublin Rape Crisis Centre: 1800 77 88 88
Women's Aid: 1800 341 900
Male Advice Line: 1800 816 588
Childline: 1800 66 66 66
BeLonGTo: 01 670 6223
TENI: 01 873 3575
Inner City Helping Homeless: 085 838 9281
Threshold: 1800 454 454